For all citation details, see my CV. For conference presentations, see the talks page.
Tama Leaver, Tim Highfield, & Crystal Abidin (2019). Instagram: Visual social media cultures. Polity.
Tim Highfield (2016). Social Media and Everyday Politics. Polity.
Journal articles
Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Emoji hashtags // hashtag emoji: Of platforms, visual affect, and discursive flexibility‘. First Monday. doi:10.5210/fm.v23i9.9398 (open-access).
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Visualising the ends of identity: pre-birth and post-death on Instagram’. Information, Communication & Society. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2016.1259343
Jean Burgess, Peta Mitchell, and Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Automating the digital everyday’. Media International Australia. doi:10.1177/1329878X17739020.
Peta Mitchell and Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Mediated geographies of everyday life: Navigating the ambient, augmented, and algorithmic geographies of geomedia’. ctrl+z. online (open-access).
Kate M. Miltner and Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Never Gonna GIF You Up: Analyzing the cultural significance of the animated GIF’. Social Media + Society. online (open-access).
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2016). ‘Instagrammatics and digital methods: studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs to memes and emoji’. Communication Research and Practice. doi:10.1080/22041451.2016.1155332
Tim Highfield (2016). ‘News via Voldemort: Parody accounts in topical discussions on Twitter’. New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444815576703
Sky Croeser and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Harbouring dissent: Greek independent and social media and the antifascist movement’. Fibreculture. online (open-access).
Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Tweeted joke lifespans and appropriated punch lines: Practices around topical humor on social media’. International Journal of Communication. (online, open-access).
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2015). ‘A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags’. First Monday, 20(1). (online, open-access)
Sky Croeser and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘Occupy Oakland and #oo: Uses of Twitter within the Occupy movement’. First Monday. (online, open-access)
Tim Highfield (2013). ‘National and state-level politics on social media: Twitter, Australian political discussions, and the online commentariat’. International Journal of e-Governance. doi:10.1504/IJEG.2013.060648
Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, and Jean Burgess (2013). ‘The Arab Spring and Social Media Audiences: English and Arabic Twitter Users and Their Networks’. American Behavioral Scientist. doi:10.1177/0002764213479374
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Political Networks on Twitter: Tweeting the Queensland state election’. Information, Communication & Society. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2013.782328
Tim Highfield, Stephen Harrington, and Axel Bruns (2013). ‘Twitter as a Technology for Audiencing and Fandom: The #Eurovision phenomenon’. Information, Communication & Society. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2012.756053
Tim Highfield (2012). ‘Talking of Many Things: Using Topical Networks to Study Discussions in Social Media’. Journal of Technology in Human Services. doi:10.1080/15228835.2012.746894
Tim Highfield and Axel Bruns (2012). ‘Confrontation and cooptation: A brief history of Australian political blogs’, Media International Australia. doi:10.1177/1329878X1214300111
Stephen Harrington, Tim Highfield, and Axel Bruns (2012). ‘More than a backchannel: Twitter and television’. In Audience Interactivity and Participation: Interview/Essays with academics, Ed. José Manuel Noguera, Brussels: COST Action Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies. [online]
Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai (2011). ‘Challenges of tracking topical discussion networks online’, Social Science Computer Review, 29 (3), 340-353. doi:10.1177/0894439310382514
Axel Bruns, Jean Burgess, Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai (2011). ‘Mapping the Australian networked public sphere’, Social Science Computer Review 29 (3), 277-287. doi:10.1177/0894439310382507
Tim Highfield (2009). ‘Which way up? Reading and drawing maps of the blogosphere’, ejournalist, 9(1), 99-114 [online]
Book chapters
Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Visual social media‘. International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
sky croeser & Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Blended Data: Critiquing and Complementing Social Media Datasets, Big and Small‘. Second International Handbook of Internet Research.
Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Social TV and depictions of community on social media: Instagram and Eurovision fandom‘. Digital Media: Transformations in human communication (second edition).
Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Histories of blogging‘. Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories.
Tim Highfield and Axel Bruns (2016). ‘Compulsory Voting, Encouraged Tweeting? Australian Elections and Social Media’. The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics.
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2016). ‘Is Habermas on Twitter? Social Media and the Public Sphere’. The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics.
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2016). ‘May the best Tweeter win: The Twitter strategies of key campaign accounts in the 2012 US election’. Die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2012: Analysen der Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
Sky Croeser and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Mapping Movements – Social Movement Research and Big Data: Critiques and Alternatives’. Compromised Data. From Social Media to Big Data.
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘From News Blogs to News on Twitter: Gatewatching and Collaborative News Curation’. Handbook of Digital Politics.
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘The Arab Spring on Twitter: Language Communities in #egypt and #libya’. Social Media and the Politics of Reportage: The Arab Spring.
Axel Bruns, Jean Burgess, and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘A ‘Big Data’ Approach to Mapping the Australian Twittersphere’. Advancing digital humanities: Research, methods, theories.
Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Following the yellow jersey: Tweeting the Tour de France’. Twitter and Society.
Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, and Stephen Harrington (2013). ‘Sharing the News: Dissemination of Links to Australian News Sites on Twitter’. Br(e)aking the News: Journalism, Politics and New Media.
Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2012). ‘Blogs, Twitter, and Breaking News: The Produsage of Citizen Journalism’. Produsing Theory in a Digital World: The Intersection of Audiences and Production.
Other writing