Emoji hashtags // hashtag emoji (2018)

Full title: Emoji hashtags // hashtag emoji: Of platforms, visual affect, and discursive flexibility

Journal article for First Monday, ‘Histories and cultures of emoji vernaculars’ special issue


This paper examines the communicative functions of emoji in concert with hashtags, comparing two platform-specific approaches to combining hashtags and emoji: emoji hashtags as discursive markers on Instagram, and platform-directed hashtag emoji on Twitter. These approaches offer key insights into the dynamics between the platforms and their users, from user-led practices on Instagram to the commercial partnerships over-riding user intentionality on Twitter. Such different means of combining emoji and hashtags then demonstrate how platforms variously support and restrict their users’ platform vernaculars and discursive creativity within their everyday social media practices.

Open-access article / PDF using the intended emoji at the time of publication (September 2018)

Citation: Highfield, T. (2018). Emoji hashtags // hashtag emoji: Of platforms, visual affect, and discursive flexibility. First Monday, 23(9). doi: 10.5210/fm.v23i9.9398