QUT Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellowship, 2015-2018; ongoing research
GIFs, emoji, selfies, hashflags, and more (see also: Instagram).
Related publications
Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Visual social media‘. International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Emoji hashtags // hashtag emoji: Of platforms, visual affect, and discursive flexibility‘. First Monday. doi:10.5210/fm.v23i9.9398 (open-access).
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Visualising the ends of identity: pre-birth and post-death on Instagram’. Information, Communication & Society. 21(1), pp. 30-45. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2016.1259343
Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Social TV and depictions of community on social media: Instagram and Eurovision fandom’. In P. Messaris & L. Humphreys (Eds.), Digital Media: Transformations in human communication (second edition). Peter Lang, pp. 156-165.
Kate M. Miltner and Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Never Gonna GIF You Up: Analyzing the cultural significance of the animated GIF’. Social Media + Society. online (open-access).
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2016). ‘Instagrammatics and digital methods: studying visual social media, from selfies and GIFs to memes and emoji’. Communication Research and Practice, 2(1), pp. 47-62. doi:10.1080/22041451.2016.1155332
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2015). ‘A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags’. First Monday, 20(1). [online]
Related talks
Tim Highfield (2017). ‘#BlackLivesMatter to #dogsatpollingstations (but not #CrookedHillary): Platform privilege and the affective politics of hashflags’, Affective Politics symposium, Turku, Finland, 12-13 October 2017.
Kate M. Miltner and Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Never Gonna GIF You Up: Analyzing the cultural significance of the animated GIF’, Columbia University. 14 September 2017.
Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Visual cultures and politics of social media’, Oxford University: Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme. July.
Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Instagrammatics, visual social media, and digital methods’, keynote for University of Amsterdam Digital Methods Initiative Summer School. 26 June 2017.
Tim Highfield (2017). ‘The GIF and News Coverage: Remediated, Remixed, and Reimagined’. SCMS, Chicago, 22-26 March 2017.
Tim Highfield and Kate M. Miltner (2016). ‘The Trumping of the political GIF: Visual social media for political commentary in the 2016 US Presidential election’. Crossroads, Sydney, December 2016.
Tim Highfield (2016). ‘The politics of info-GIF-ics: Animated maps and graphs on everyday social media’. Culture and Politics of Data Visualisation, Sheffield, October 2016.
Tim Highfield and Kate M. Miltner (2016). ‘Interrogating the reaction GIF: Making meaning by repurposing repetition’. Social Media and Society, London, July 2016.
Tim Highfield (2016). ‘The conceptual blurriness of perpetual motion: Challenges of studying looping visual social media’ (poster presentation). ICA Visual Communication preconference, Fukuoka, June 2016.
Tim Highfield (2016). ‘On (the) loop: The animated GIF and cultural logics of repetition’. Theorizing the Web, New York City, April 2016. [watch online]
Tim Highfield and Stefanie Duguay (2015). ‘“Like a monkey with a miniature cymbal”: cultural practices of repetition in visual social media’. IR16: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, October 2015. [slides]
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Imagining the Ends of Identity: Birth and Death on Instagram’. IR16: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, October 2015. [slides via Tama Leaver]
Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Oh! You Pretty GIFs: Visualising David Bowie fandom on Tumblr’. The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie symposium, Melbourne, July 2015.
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2015). ‘Visual social media and digital methods: Instagrammatics and beyond’. ANZCA conference, Queenstown, July 2015. [slides]
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘TRISMA and Instagrammatics: Framing and balancing big data for humanities research’. The Social Life of Big Data 2015 symposium, Perth, June 2015. [slides via Tama Leaver]
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Instagramming the ends of identity: Pre-birth and post-death identity practices mapped via the #ultrasound and #funeral hashtags’. ICA Mobile preconference, San Juan, May 2015. [slides]
Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Depicting social television on Instagram: Visual social media, participation, and audience experiences of #sbseurovision’. International Communication Association (ICA) conference, San Juan, May 2015. [slides]
Tim Highfield (2015). Visual social media: Instagrammatics and beyond. Digging the Data – ANZCA preconference, Sydney, 17 April 2015
Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘Mapping the ends of identity on Instagram’. Paper presented at ANZCA conference, Melbourne, 9-11 July 2014. [slides via Tama Leaver]
Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2014). ‘A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags’. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Australasia conference, Perth, 17-21 March 2014. [slides via Tama Leaver]