academic talks

Coming soon (2020)

Examining Instagram time: aesthetics and experiences‘, accepted for International Communication Association conference, Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020 — part of panel Approaching Instagram: New Methods and Modes for Examining the Visual Social Media (with Crystal Abidin, Tama Leaver, Mari Lehto, Anthony McCosker, Adam Suess, Katie Warfield, and Alice Witt).

Invited talks
Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Visual cultures and politics of social media’, Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme, Oxford University, UK. July.

Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Social media for the practice of research and the research of practice’, PROFRES PhD course, Nord University: Bodø, Norway. March.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Social media and everyday politics’, University of Ottawa, Canada. 15 October 2018.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Visual cultures and politics of social media’, Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme, Oxford University, UK. July.

Tim Highfield (2017) ‘ICYMI, while you were away: Temporal platformed interventions in the digital everyday’. ZeMKI, University of Bremen, 6 December 2017.

Kate M. Miltner and Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Never Gonna GIF You Up: Analyzing the cultural significance of the animated GIF’, Columbia University. 14 September 2017.

Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Visual cultures and politics of social media’, Oxford University: Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme. July.

Tim Highfield (2017) ‘Instagrammatics, visual social media, and digital methods’, keynote for University of Amsterdam Digital Methods Initiative Summer School. 26 June 2017.

Tim Highfield (2016). Social media and everyday politics. Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme, Oxford. July 2016.

Tim Highfield (2015). Social media and everyday politics. Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. November 2015.

Tim Highfield (2015). Social media and everyday politics. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago. September 2015.

Conference presentations
Tama Leaver, Crystal Abidin, and Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Framing Instagram: New approaches’. AoIR 2019, Brisbane, Australia. October.

Tim Highfield (2019). ‘“I’m singing with my laptop, making up new songs”: Automated music-making and vernacular appropriation in the moment that was, and future that wasn’t, of Microsoft Songsmith’. The Web That Was conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. June.

Agnieszka Leszczynski, Peta Mitchell, and Tim Highfield (2019). ‘Geolocation for building trust in digital data, platforms, and policy’. Data for Policy conference, London, UK. June.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Platformed time(lessness): Interrogating the algorithmic ordering and temporal prompts of digital media’. ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland. November.

Tim Highfield and Meg Jing Zeng (2018). ‘Platformed (social) datafication: How digital media platforms use data to shape the social’. ECREA, Lugano, Switzerland. November.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Platformed Time: Prompts, Algorithms, and Temporal Contestation on Digital Media’, AoIR 2018, Montreal, Canada. October.

Crystal Abidin, Ariadna Matamoros-Fernández, Kate Miltner, and Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Pictogramic Cultures and Economies’ roundtable, AoIR 2018, Montreal, Canada. October.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Insta-time(lessness): The algorithmic now, then, and when on Instagram.’ Instagram Conference 2018: Studying Instagram Beyond Selfies, London, UK. May.

Ariadna Matamoros-Fernández, Tim Highfield, and Felix Münch (2018). ‘More than meets the eye: Understanding networks of images in controversies around racism on social media’. ICA, Prague, Czechia. May.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘#BlackLivesMatter to #dogsatpollingstations (but not #CrookedHillary): Platform politics and the visual affect of hashflags’. ICA, Prague, Czechia. May.

Tim Highfield (2018). ‘Emoji worlds, imagined cities, and possible landscapes: The fleeting geographies of Twitter bots’. American Association of Geographers conference (The Abandoned Spaces of the Internet session), New Orleans, USA. April.

Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Socially mediated moments and memories: Now, then, and the tangled temporality of digital media’, Mediatization of Time conference, Bremen, 7-8 December 2017.

Tim Highfield (2017). ‘ICYMI, while you were away: The digital intimacy of temporal platformed interventions’, Digital Intimacies symposium, Melbourne 13-15 November 2017.

Tim Highfield (2017). ‘#BlackLivesMatter to #dogsatpollingstations (but not #CrookedHillary): Platform privilege and the affective politics of hashflags’, Affective Politics symposium, Turku, Finland, 12-13 October 2017.

Tim Highfield (2017). ‘Social media and everyday politics, re-examined: The impact of fake news, the alt-right, and the clickbait president’. ICA ‘Populism, Post-Truth Politics and Participatory Culture’ pre-conference, San Diego, 25-26 May 2017.

Tim Highfield and Peta Mitchell (2017) ‘Algorithmic Surveillance and Urban Ambient Geodata’. AAG, Boston, 5-9 April 2017.

Tim Highfield (2017). ‘The GIF and News Coverage: Remediated, Remixed, and Reimagined’. SCMS, Chicago, 22-26 March 2017.

Tim Highfield and Kate M. Miltner (2016). ‘The Trumping of the political GIF: Visual social media for political commentary in the 2016 US Presidential election’. Crossroads, Sydney, December 2016.

Tim Highfield (2016). ‘Smashed mouths: Internet cultures and the embrace and subversion of nostalgia’. Crossroads, Sydney, December 2016.

Tim Highfield and Peta Mitchell (2016). ‘Ambient geodata and algorithmic surveillance: Automating digital media’s relationship with place’. Automating the Everyday symposium, Brisbane, December 2016.

Tim Highfield (2016). ‘The politics of info-GIF-ics: Animated maps and graphs on everyday social media’. Culture and Politics of Data Visualisation, Sheffield, October 2016.

Tim Highfield, Kate M. Miltner, Amy Johnson, and R. Stuart Geiger (2016). ‘Playing with the rules’ (fishbowl session), AoIR 2016, Berlin, October 2016.

Tim Highfield and Kate M. Miltner (2016). ‘Interrogating the reaction GIF: Making meaning by repurposing repetition’. Social Media and Society, London, July 2016.

Tim Highfield (2016). ‘The conceptual blurriness of perpetual motion: Challenges of studying looping visual social media’ (poster presentation). ICA Visual Communication preconference, Fukuoka, June 2016.

Tim Highfield (2016). ‘On (the) loop: The animated GIF and cultural logics of repetition’. Theorizing the Web, New York City, April 2016. [watch online]

Tim Highfield and Stefanie Duguay (2015). ‘“Like a monkey with a miniature cymbal”: cultural practices of repetition in visual social media’. IR16: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, October 2015. [slides]

Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Social Media in Selected Australian Federal and State Election Campaigns, 2010-15’. IR16: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, October 2015. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Imagining the Ends of Identity: Birth and Death on Instagram’. IR16: Digital Imaginaries, Phoenix, October 2015. [slides via Tama Leaver]

Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Oh! You Pretty GIFs: Visualising David Bowie fandom on Tumblr’. The Stardom and Celebrity of David Bowie symposium, Melbourne, July 2015.

Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Bangers and mash-ups’. ANZCA conference, Queenstown, July 2015. [slides]

Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2015). ‘Visual social media and digital methods: Instagrammatics and beyond’. ANZCA conference, Queenstown, July 2015. [slides]

Peta Mitchell, Tim Highfield, and Elizabeth Ellison (2015). ‘Social media and the Australian spatial imaginary’. ANZCA conference, Queenstown, July 2015. [slides]

Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘TRISMA and Instagrammatics: Framing and balancing big data for humanities research’. The Social Life of Big Data 2015 symposium, Perth, June 2015. [slides via Tama Leaver]

Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Instagramming the ends of identity: Pre-birth and post-death identity practices mapped via the #ultrasound and #funeral hashtags’. ICA Mobile preconference, San Juan, May 2015. [slides]

Tim Highfield and Axel Bruns (2015). ‘Social media news audiences and the quantified journalist’. International Communication Association (ICA) conference, San Juan, May 2015. [slides]

Tim Highfield (2015). ‘Depicting social television on Instagram: Visual social media, participation, and audience experiences of #sbseurovision’. International Communication Association (ICA) conference, San Juan, May 2015. [slides]

Tim Highfield (2015). Visual social media: Instagrammatics and beyond. Digging the Data – ANZCA preconference, Sydney, 17 April 2015

Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘Big social data’ in context: Connecting social media data and other sources. ACSPRI conference, Sydney, December 2014. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Axel Bruns, Darryl Woodford, Troy Sadkowsky, & Tim Highfield (2014). Mapping a national Twittersphere: A ‘big data’ analysis of Australian Twitter user networks. ECREA conference, Lisbon, 12-15 November 2014. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Axel Bruns, Darryl Woodford, Tim Highfield, & Katie Prowd (2014). Mapping social TV audiences: The footprints of leading shows in the Australian Twittersphere. Internet Research 15.0, Daegu, 22-24 October 2014. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Sky Croeser & Tim Highfield (2014). Greek independent media and the antifascist movement. Social Media and Society conference, Toronto, 27-28 September 2014. [slides]

Tim Highfield (2014). ‘The tweeting broadcaster: SBS and social media audience engagement’. Paper presented at ANZCA conference, Melbourne, 9-11 July 2014. [slides]

Tama Leaver and Tim Highfield (2014). ‘Mapping the ends of identity on Instagram’. Paper presented at ANZCA conference, Melbourne, 9-11 July 2014. [slides via Tama Leaver]

Tim Highfield (2014). ‘Election days and social media practices: Tweeting as Australia decides’. Paper presented at Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space conference, Amsterdam, 18-20 June 2014. [slides]

Tim Highfield and Tama Leaver (2014). ‘A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags’. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Australasia conference, Perth, 17-21 March 2014. [slides via Tama Leaver]

Sky Croeser and Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Mapping Movements: Social movement research and big data: critiques and alternatives’. Paper presented at Compromised Data? colloquium, Toronto, 29 October 2013. [slides and audio]

Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Appropriating breaking news? The evolving Twitter coverage of the Lance Armstrong doping scandal’. Paper presented at Internet Research 14.0, Denver, 25 October 2013. [slides and audio]

Tim Highfield (2013). ‘News via Voldemort: The role of parody and satire in topical discussions on Twitter’. Paper presented at Internet Research 14.0, Denver, 24 October 2013. [slides and audio]

Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, and Theresa Sauter (2013). ‘#ausvotes Mark Two: Twitter in the 2013 Australian Federal Election’. Paper presented at Internet Research 14.0, Denver, 24 October 2013. [slides and audio, via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield and Axel Bruns (2013). ‘#wavotes: Tracking candidates’ use of social media in the 2013 Western Australian state election’, ANZCA conference, Fremantle, 3-5 July 2013. [slides and audio]

Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Twitter and Australian political debates’, Online political participation and its critics symposium, Paris, 19-20 June 2013. [slides; audio via Réseau DEL]

Axel Bruns and Tim Highfield (2013). ‘Die Twitterstrategien der Wahlkampagnen im US-Wahlkampf 2012’. Paper presented at re:publica 2013, Berlin, 6 May 2013. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Axel Bruns, Stephen Harrington, and Tim Highfield (2012). ‘Political Networks on Twitter: Tweeting the Queensland State Election’, Paper presented at 4th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Istanbul, Turkey. 26 October 2012. [slides and audio, via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield, Axel Bruns, and Stephen Harrington (2012). ‘Tweeting le Tour: Connecting the Tour de France’s global audience through Twitter’, Paper presented at 4th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Istanbul, Turkey. 25 October 2012. [slides and audio]

Tim Highfield, Axel Bruns, and Stephen Harrington (2012).’#auspol, #qldpol, and #wapol: Twitter and the new Australian political commentariat’, Paper presented at Internet Research 13.0, Salford, UK. 21 October 2012. [slides and audio]

Sky Croeser and Tim Highfield (2012). ‘#oo activism: Uses of Twitter within the Occupy Oakland movement’, Paper presented at Internet Research 13.0, Salford, UK. 21 October 2012. [slides]

Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, and Stephen Harrington (2012). ‘#Eurovision: Twitter as a Technology of Fandom’, Paper presented at Internet Research 13.0, Salford, UK. 20 October 2012. [slides and audio, via Axel Bruns]

Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, and Stephen Harrington (2012). ‘Sharing the News: Dissemination of Links to Australian News Sites on Twitter’, Paper presented at Internet Research 13.0, Salford, UK. 20 October 2012. [slides and audio, via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai (2010). ‘New directions for blog network mapping’, Panel presentation at Internet Research 11.0, Gothenburg, Sweden. 23 October 2010 [slides]

Tim Highfield (2010). ‘More news from where? Reviewing blogging’s contribution to the mediasphere’, Paper presented at Internet Research 11.0, Gothenburg, Sweden. 22 October 2010 [slides]

Tim Highfield (2010). ‘Of posts, tweets, and links: Methods for studying online activity’, Paper presented at The Next Generation of Cultural Research: Building New Cultural Intelligence for 21st Century Problems conference, University of Western Sydney, Parramatta. 21 September 2010.

Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai (2010). ‘Challenges of tracking topical discussion networks online’, Paper presented at International Communication Association conference, Singapore. 25 June 2010. [slides]

Axel Bruns, Jean Burgess, Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai (2010). ‘Mapping the Australian networked public sphere’, Paper presented at International Communication Association conference, Singapore. June 2010 [slides via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield (2009) Themes and issues from seven months in the French political blogospher­e. Presented at IR10, Milwaukee, WI. October 2009. [slides]

Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai. (2009) Critical voices in the Australian political blogosphere. Presented at IR10, Milwaukee, WI. October 2009. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield. (2009) Inauguration from afar: Mapping Obama discussion in the Australian political blogosphere. Presented at ANZCA 2009, Brisbane. July 2009. [prezi]

Lars Kirchhoff, Thomas Nicolai, Axel Bruns, and Tim Highfield. (2009) Monitoring the Australian Blogosphere through the 2007 Australian Federal Election. Proceedings of ANZCA 2009, Brisbane. July 2009. [slides via Axel Bruns]

Tim Highfield (2009) Linking to the converted? Mapping the structures of the French and Australian political blogospheres. (PhD research overview, as of July 2009) Presented at Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Programme, Brisbane. July 2009. [prezi]

Tim Highfield. (2008) Which way up? Drawing and reading maps of the blogosphere. Presented at Ignite08! QUT Creative Industries postgraduate conference, Brisbane. October 2008. [slides]

Axel Bruns, Jason Wilson, Barry Saunders, Tim Highfield, Lars Kirchhoff, and Thomas Nicolai. (2008) Locating the Australian blogosphere: Towards a new research methodology. Presented at ISEA 2008, Singapore. July-August 2008. [slides via Axel Bruns]